1. Reiki 2. Weight Watchers 3. Edinburgh. 4. New AGD musician Lizzie Hornby. 5. Any Other Business
Settle yourselves, pour the tea, put the kids (lovingly) outside, tell the boss you will do it later, and let us discover what this week has all been about.
I was attuned last weekend, and am now Reiki 2. This means that I can do it all over the place; people, rooms and buildings either by being there or by distance; I can heal plants, animals, people, things. This is the idea, and I expect all of you who have been doing Reiki 2 for years are sighing gently and thinking, I was like that once. Here I am though, on a high, power mad and healing all the rooms in my house and then, the garden and then - other people's gardens. I sent healing to Felicity Warner's orchard in my enthusiasm imagining all her apple trees filling up with Pink Lady apples (my favourites, and not in Felicity's orchard. Yet.) and imagining Tesco sending lorries to pick them up and sell them in their stores. I have sent distance healing to kind and willing friends, none of whom have been cured, but I tell myself, they may have felt a bit better at some point. In order to be able to practice as a business, I still have to do my Anatomy and Physiology for the required insurance so that when you shoot into orbit after a healing session and lose your contact lenses, we can replace them on the insurance.
Reiki is a lovely form of healing through energy. When I am doing it, I am only a channel for God's love and energy, and it isn't me at all. Despite being addicted to praise I have to concede that it is God, and that the recipient receives the healing they want and choose to receive, through me channeling God's love. Probably a good thing, without the correct distance and understanding I could say Look! Look what I, mighty Reiki Mama have done! No one helped me, I just healed you fair and square and any divine stuff is because I can! Bow low, and send me your friends to be healed too.
So I have now only my lavender bushes in the front garden left to Reiki. The entire house and contents have been done, all the flowers in the porch, and the entire garden too. The lavender however, is resisting and is turning into dried out old gorse bushes and so needs a gentle, extra concentrated but fairly stern session.
Weight Watchers
Oh this is what we do, we who tend to love cake and fried eggs on toast. We become porky, and find ourselves needing some help to shed it again. I have been eating so much lovely stuff recently and was shocked to find that my clothes no longer fit me. Of course I went into denial - they were shrunk in the wash, it was the their fault, and not mine. Going out to eat is such a joy, but I was beginning to select my pudding before my other courses (courses, mind, not course). Bit by bit I expanded until the day, recently, when I put on a lovely (elasticated) sun dress to go for a walk with my 82 year old mother, who is known as OGL, Our Great Leader. My, said my mother, what do you consider is your downfall with food dear? How is your diet going? Goodness me! I replied, I am not on a diet! and then, I don't want to talk about it. That I don't want to talk about it, made me realise that I was avoiding the issue. I had put on weight and there was no two ways about it. So I toddled off to Weight Watchers, Bognor Regis, to find that I have 2 stone to lose. Day two today, and I am doing well. I have bought a scales and am measuring proper portions and am feeling, funnily enough, fine. I aim to be back to normal by Christmas in order to join again in January. When I get back to wearing all my clothes that I once took for granted would fit me forever, I shall celebrate by going out for dinner with my dear other half Alan, and have two puddings for starters, and two more after the main course.
I am going to take AGD (the A Graceful Death exhibition - see www.agracefuldeath.blogspot.co.uk) to Edinburgh on the 14 November. I am showing it, with a small amount of talking, in the annual event of the Scottish equivalent of Dying Matters, Good Life, Good Death, Good Grief http://www.goodlifedeathgrief.org.uk/. I am very excited about this, it is being held in Edinburgh Zoo. The last single day showing of the exhibition was at Notts County Football Ground, and that went very well. I won't be showing it next to the Orang Utangs, it will be in a nice big lecture hall in the main building. It will take four days to drive there, set up, do the exhibition and presentations, and drive back again. Bognor Regis to Edinburgh and back with 48 paintings, books, telly to show the film is going to be so exciting for a thin, healing artist. I shall post more on this later, as it is still in its organising stage.
Lizzie Hornby, the new and glorious AGD Musician
I met Lizzie when I was on Felicity Warner's Soul Midwife course in Devon. I knew Lizzie was a teacher, and worked with children, and could turn her hand to many things but I didn't know that she was a musician. Recently, I heard a recording of Lizzie's own compositions on the piano and had one of those Eureka moments. This was the music I wanted to accompany the AGD exhibition. It was a wonderful, a sad, and a very exciting and happy moment all at once. Oh my. Please click on the link below and listen -
I find myself becoming transported by Lizzie's music. I think it is beautiful. She composed, played, recorded all of this herself and I am in such a state of happiness that Lizzie has agreed to let me use it. And, when we have opening nights of the exhibition, Lizzie will play a concert of her music live. I can't think of anything more lovely. Somehow, even though AGD is not just about Steve any more, I can feel Steve loving this music. It brings him back to me, and if I could be ridiculous for a moment, I feel him with me in it. I stopped off on the way home from St Ives to have lunch with Lizzie, and took a quick photo of her garden. Even this photo matches her music. And of course, we had a lovely lunch and talk too.
I want to play this music for AGD because it is beautiful, and it doesn't lead me anywhere. I am not suddenly sad on hearing it, nor am I suddenly happy. I am affected by it just because it is lovely but it doesn't interfere with the exhibition, the paintings and the poems. It stands both alone, and it complements the exhibition. Look at the rays of light in the photo below. Wouldn't you think someone for whom this is a part of their house, would write music as lovely as she does?
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Lizzie Hornby's garden, just perfect for both Lizzie herself and her music. |
Any Other Business
I am trying to love Green Tea. It is, I am told, good for weight loss. This is hard work but I know people who have not only persevered with, but like the stuff. And none of them are fat. It is my fate to drink green tea to be beautiful again.
Tomorrow, I meet my 82 year old mother on a train going to London. I get on at Bognor and she catches it as it flies through Pulborough. We are, she tells me, going to hit the hotspots. I believe her. I shall wear corsets.
I have started my volunteering with Age Concern UK. As a volunteer, I am on the Good Neighbour scheme where I visit an elderly person who is lonely once a week for 12 weeks, in order to have tea and chats. I love this, and the person who I am visiting has had a truly amazing life. I found myself terrified for any nice Age Concern UK volunteer who was given my mother to befriend, should the need arise. They would not last five minutes.
I have decided to write a book. When, is anyone's guess, but the decision has been made.
And finally, a friend has just texted to say that the Reiki worked, she is feeling happy again. Darling friend, I didn't do any. So I will just take the credit and move on quickly.
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