I know, the A Graceful Death exhibition opens in a couple of days. What's that? You are coming? And bringing your whole street with you? Oh well done. And your extended family too! How wonderful. You are all welcome. The exhibition is challenging, and truthful. It is about what it means to die, and it is good to come and meet all the people I have painted through their written word and their painted images. It is an exhibition about love, life and how normal we, and the dying, are. What better way to ask what dying is like than to ask the dying themselves?
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Many thanks to Rhona Reedie for designing this poster and all the graphics for the exhibition |
I am extremely grateful to all the participants who have given time out of their busy worlds to take part in our panels. Here is an event you may be interested in, though all the events will be excellent, Thursday evening 6 pm - 8 pm we are holding an Early Evening Salon on the Art of Dying, Ars Moriendi - see below
On Wednesday, Nigel Spencer will be holding a Dementia Friends session, and on Friday evening I will be talking with my old friend Mandy Preece, about Working with the Dying. To end the exhibition, after Mandy and I have had our session, the Revd Canon Peter Wells will sum up with thoughts and some gentle, insightful words.
The Opening Event, however, will be on Tuesday from 6 pm to 8 pm. I am delighted that Glynn Jones, Chair to the Brighton and Hove Hospitals and Deputy Lord Lieutenant of East Sussex, will speak and open the exhibition. We will also, if they come, be filmed by a South Korean documentary film crew who will be making a three part documentary about end of life matters to be shown in South Korea. They are filming many many different people and events, A Graceful Death is just one of many. But I am very grateful and happy to take part in any way that is helpful. I am also trying not to hope for a tour of South Korea, but that is natural. I would think that.
What is happening right now?
I am wearing denim, if that is what you mean. Very chic for a 53 year old Mum. I am tired but happy. I am on my sofa, thinking that if only I was hungry I would eat something, but I am not and it doesn't seem fair. I have to say I have had my supper, so I am not suffering, not really, but if I had left a chink of space, I could have spent some time deciding on pudding. Oh well. I think this is just procrastinating. For the exhibition next week, all that could have been done, has been done. It will be put up on the Monday and I have the help of my daughter Fancy Girl, and a local artist and friend Vicky Hulatt. Thank you a million times to both of you, by the way. Tomorrow is a day of laminating all that I see, with my new laminator, given to me by the illustrious Mrs Pemberton who is really Olivia Fane. She writes under her maiden name and came by yesterday with exciting news. (And a laminator and some funds for AGD. God Bless you Olivia!). Olivia, clever, challenging, wicked, funny and so un-politically correct but oh so right in every way, independent, eccentric Olivia, will be on Woman's Hour this Monday talking about her new book "The Conversations, 66 Reasons to Start Talking". Listen in, Radio 4 from 10 am onwards. Olivia says she will be on at 10.30. She will be talking about her conversation on Nagging. Very good. She is very entertaining.
Tomorrow. Tomorrow, then, I will pack up all my paintings, all the words, all the bits and pieces, laminating everything as I go. I will buy some essentials for the exhibition, like sellotape, name badges, black marker pens and flowers. I will assemble everything eventually, and pack up in my studio, transporting all to the car, in a Zen frame of mind, so that I am living in the present and not concerning myself about the future (which is about the amount of stuff still to do). That is my intention. I will probably do a bit of everything all at once in reality, and tumble somehow into the car, having sellotaped the laminator to my elbow and then I will have a Chinese takeaway and go to bed early.
Bit of extra news
Now I am going to have some tea. I have found some space and I shall fill it with some PG Tips. See you all next week.
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Me and Steve having a moment of quiet before an exhibition last year. |
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