Tuesday, 25 February 2025


A dear medic friend said of my news today that it could have been a tsunami, but because of my robust health and getting myself checked in time, it is a raindrop.

I have been diagnosed with endometrial cancer. Perhaps there is healing in this, the cancer is in my womb where Costya and Dimitri came from. My body is crying, and though I am looking for the light and not allowing guilt or regret to dominate, my body is carrying my sadness.

I will be fine. It is caught early and a single operation should remove it all. I am so grateful for this but it means that my team will have to step in while I recover, and I will have to surrender to recovery. Beloved will go on, Beloved is too important to wait.

The latest painting is called Holy Family, Sacred Heart. It is part one of a diptych where my daughter Lexi and I are on one panel, and Costya and Dimitri will be on another. We are a holy family still. We are all holding our sacred hearts – only Jesus, his mother Mary and the Saints are portrayed with a sacred heart. It shows they have suffered and their hearts have been “pierced with a sword”. Even though the boys have left this world, they are still with us. Not gone, just changed. When I have finished painting Costya and Dimitri the Holy Family will be completed. We are all holy, no matter how broken. When things go wrong, we lose sight of our holiness, the light that is always there. This painting wants to remind us that even in great suffering – because of great suffering, we and our sacred hearts are still holy.

To make a donation to the Beloved exhibition, please go to my Go Fund Me page below. Every donation helps, and as there is no charge for the exhibition, I am raising money to pay for the exhibition venues, the travel, accommodation, van hire, paints, printing, marketing and so on. All of it comes from the generosity
of those kind donations.

Thank you.

Beloved, an exhibition of paintings bringing suicide and addiction deaths into the light. I have lost two sons to addiction and suicide and Beloved has come from their loss.

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