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Quick! Run! |
Doing what you can't
It's not for me.
As the theoretical rabbit, you have run from the headlights to a place of safety. This is possibly your go-to comfort space where nothing can get you, and you can breathe easily again. Whatever this space is, let's not judge it, let's just say that it is there. My safe space is always about comfort; sitting on the sofa with blankets, cushions and a pot of tea. From there, I feel relief and protection, and I can pass the time telling myself I will do whatever I ran away from later. But from my comfort place, I do not want the later to come, I am not sure if I am good enough/wise enough/strong enough. It is easier to stay here, in my place of comfort.
It's not for me, I may say, and you in your circumstance, may say the same. It is not for us. Whatever this thing was that seemed so exciting when we thought of it, and so terrifying when we glimpsed the work ahead, whatever it was, we cannot possibly do it now.
I'm not one of them.
They are the people who succeed at things. Separate from us, they have a secret thing that makes them do what they say they are going to do. They are lucky, they are unafraid, they have networks and support systems, and they are really annoying.
This amazing thing we thought we would do, is for these other people. We aren't like that, we don't have their drive, determination, talent, and in our lowest moments, we think they probably all have personality disorders anyway.
From our place of safety, this seems to be a sad truth, that we have to be another type of person in order to do our thing. We aren't one of them, so it is best to not even start. This is where I could have more cake and look things up on YouTube.
They'll laugh at me.
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How very dare you have ideas |
thought, we see everyone looking at us and smirking. We hear them say, oh dear, how awkward.
We have visions of standing up before a group of people and not being able to say anything sensible about our ideas or projects, and everyone giving a slow hand clap. They all go off for tea and fall about laughing.
How dare you have these ideas, they chuckle, how very dare you.
I'll be so embarrassed.
Now that in our imaginations, we have separated ourselves from people who do the things that we want to do, have caused the whole world great amusement when talking about our dreams, we cringe with embarrassment at the thought of all this humiliation.
I will be so embarrassed, we say to ourselves, if I put myself out there. In this frame of mind, even a little email to someone about this project we thought so amazing, seems impossibly cringe-worthy. Whatever way we gather our thoughts about it, we end up embarrassing even ourselves. Oh no, we say to ourselves, it is definitely not for me.
And we are back to square one.
Do what you can, not what you can't.
This is very simple and very freeing. You cannot do what you cannot do, but you can do what you can do. The problem with having dreams, projects, plans, is that we may only focus on what we can't do, because for some reason we need to beat ourselves up. If I make a plan to write a book, and my imagination shows me scene after scene of what I think is the correct path to take, and all of it frightens the life out of me, then I am concentrating on what I can't do. These things that I think I ought and should do, make me realise I am useless, because I simply cannot cope with them. It reinforces the idea that I am no good and that it is, once again, not for me. I could, though, just start by doing what I can do, and put some words down on either the laptop or on paper. It is very simple.
Doing what you can.
It is for me.
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It IS for you! |
This is your journey, your thing, your idea, it comes from you. How it unfolds is partly in your own hands, and partly not. But to start with, it is all up to you. Even if you sit on your sofa with a pillow on your head, it is still possible to make a start. The secret to everything is state of mind. Allow yourself to notice how negative you may be, and stop it. Change your mind.
- Write it all down. But be polite to yourself, you do not want to work from notes and thoughts that tell you off. If I wrote notes to myself about creating some new artwork, and I was very negative, it may read - Creating an exhibition. Why can't I do it? No nice paints, wish I had some money. Get money. How? Can't do it, no time. Rent rooms in the house out? Can't. Hate people. It would be easier to work from if it read - Creating an exhibition. How can I do it? Make time to raise money for paints. Ideas to raise money - rent some rooms out? Other ideas?
- Daydream. This is a lovely way to experience possibilities without having too many boundaries. This is an exercise for enjoying things that could go very well, and there are no limits. I recently imagined that I had lovely white wavy hair and I looked just like Audrey Hepburn. It doesn't matter that I don't have white hair or look remotely like Audrey Hepburn, it was just a lovely daydream.
- Think about what you can do, not what you can't. Write it down and remember to be nice about yourself.
You are one of them.
They, those people, are one of you. You have imbued them with super powers because they seem to be doing the things you want to do. But they still have to find the courage to do what they do, and they may well struggle, they may have to dig deep. But they are not going to tell you that, and they are human too.
- Don't worry about who you think these people are. Work out who YOU are. It all comes from you, and you need to focus on yourself. They haven't got any super powers. Like you they are good at some things and not at others. But they are giving it a go and in time, you may choose to do that too.
- Networks and support systems. Yes, there are networking groups and business support groups, but if that is too much to think of right now, family and friends are a great support system too. Even if you only have one of each. If you are very shy, online friends are a great network and support system. You may be surprised at what you already have around you.
- You are who you choose to be. Focus on who you are, not who you are not. Write it all down remembering to be polite about yourself. Allow yourself to be nice on paper, allow yourself to have good points. That is you, too.
They will listen to what you say.
How brave it is to stand up and tell people your plans and hopes. In our imaginations before we have even begun our project, we see ourselves not being taken seriously. We fear ridicule and because we have made the people who seem to make a go of things, separate from us, we have created a most unreal and damaging scenario.
What if your ideas are good, and you like them, and people listen?
- Practice. All those people who are doing what you want to do had to start at the beginning, everyone had to speak for the first time. Talking about your projects does get easier with practice.
- Tell people who can respect your message. If the people you choose to talk to listen well, they may offer good feedback and advice. Don't talk about your things to people who will make you feel bad. Good criticism makes you feel inspired, bad criticism makes you feel crushed.
- Anyone who laughs at you is rude. Select your listeners carefully, and if anyone is rude to you, try not to take it personally, keep your power, and go and talk to someone who supports you.
Be brave.
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Just finished the trifle |
Finish that trifle, and get off the sofa and write it all down.
Then tell someone who likes you and will listen, about your plans, projects, dreams and ideas.
Have courage and dare to be a weeny bit special.
My mother always advised us to focus on what we could do, not on what we couldn't do. She also advised us to be
Bloody, Bold and Resolute.
And these are your orders.
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Mum. Bloody, bold and resolute. |
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